Wolfgang Rothbauer

Birthday:April 24
Favorite Bands :Obituary (Cause of Death), Deicide (Deicide), The Gathering (Mandylion)
Favorite Musicians :Steve DiGiorgio, John Tardy, James Murphy
Best Concert :Michael Jackson (Linz 1988)
Hobbys:Composing, Sports, Travelling
Movie, Series:Tucker and Dale vs Evil, Braindead, Evil Dead, The Thing
Actors:Johnny Depp, Al Pacino, Anthony Hopkins, Jack Nicholson, Robert de Niro
Animal:Bearded Dragon
Food:Pizza, Asian (spicy)
Beverage:Beer or Schweppes Tonic

Favorite Song:

Moonlight Shadow (Mike Oldfield)
Dream Holidays:Every holiday is a dream
Life Dream:Often changes...

Wolfgang is also singer/guitarist in Zombie Inc., Disbelief, Aeoneve, GodHateCode, Thirdmoon, In Slumber, Silence After Carnage