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Raquel schrieb am 07.06.2011 01:47 Website :
I would like to thank the many visitors that the site has received http://www.edenbridgebrasil.xpg.com.br/ from Brazil, Argentina, the United States to Portugal and Austria. Thanks everyone! Gostaria de agradecer as inúmeras visitas que o site http://www.edenbridgebrasil.xpg.com.br/ tem recebido, desde do Brasil, Argentina, Estados Unidos até Portugal e Áustria. Obrigado a todos razz --- rolling rolling


Erik schrieb am 20.05.2011 08:30 aus Mexico Email Website :
hey awesome band... please visit Mexico soon


Maurice ITIN schrieb am 14.05.2011 10:49 aus Schweiz das Land von Wilhelm Tell Email :
Hallo Edenbridge Bin mit dem Titel "Empire Of The Sun" über Euch gestolpert.. Eigentlich habe ich was von Empire Of The Sun - die Band, gesucht. Ich habe mir dann Euren Titel mal angehört und ich war hin und weg!! Respect und Kompliment! Ihr macht HAMMERSOUND! Wäre schön für mich Euch mal Live in der Schweiz zu sehen... Herzlichen Dank Maurice


Wolf Magician schrieb am 12.04.2011 10:03 Email :
Sabine! I do not know much English, German did not know at all, I only know Russian, but I'll try to write and I hope you understand me. I fell in love with your voice, when I heard your songs. Fell in love with your eyes when I saw them. And finally, fell in love with you. I know that I love only your image (which, may, I thought for myself), but nothing I can do about it (and do not want to). We probably will never meet, but if meeting happened, then I would love you even more. So, just know that I love you. I want to believe that my love will be enough to overcome the distance and touch your soul. P.S. I'm not mad, I will not commit suicide, or similar nonsense. I have a wife and child. I love them, they mean a lot to me. I do not know how to explain it, but I'm not a fan of yours, I just love you too. I would have done much to even see you and talk about everything.


Marcelo Lima schrieb am 09.04.2011 01:18 aus Brazil Email :
Hello Sabine and Lanvall. First of all, congratulations for the beauty of songs. I discovered the band around 2007 and since ever I listen to Edenbridge everyweek. I like listening Shine and Solitaire. Centennial Legend is a miracle. Out of this world makes me go far away from infinity. Thank you. razz


Steelworker schrieb am 29.03.2011 19:09 aus Würzburg Email Website :
Hi wir haben unser erstes Thrash / Metalcore Meisterwerk veröffentlicht. Hier gibt’s die erste Hörprobe (Feedback erwünscht): http://www.myspace.com/eye2eyemetal Metal Rulez eyE(2)Eye


Raquel Alves schrieb am 24.03.2011 18:06 aus Brazil Email Website :
I would like to thank the many visitors that the site has received http://www.edenbridgebrasil.xpg.com.br/ from Brazil, Argentina, the United States to Portugal and Austria. Thanks everyone! Gostaria de agradecer as inúmeras visitas que o site http://www.edenbridgebrasil.xpg.com.br/ tem recebido, desde do Brasil, Argentina, Estados Unidos até Portugal e Áustria. Obrigado a todos razz


Raquel Alves schrieb am 27.02.2011 20:06 aus brasilian Email Website :
Hello Sabine and all who do Edenbridge. First, I would say that my brother and I made a special site for you with all information, shows, that is, we want every Brazilian fan has the opportunity to know your work, your music. I would ask you to send us any updated content so that you help us build the site with this information. Hope you enjoy. Rachel and Raphael. razz


Josh Vincent schrieb am 14.02.2011 19:11 aus California, USA Email :
Absolutley love you guys. Rock on!


Jürgen schrieb am 29.01.2011 14:16 aus Germany Email Website :
Hallo. Ich wollte der Welt mitteilen, dass das Debüt-Studio-Album „Forced to Kill“ der Band HEADLESS BEAST nun zu haben ist. Wen bodenständiger Metal im Stil der 80er interessiert der kann auf meiner Homepage http://mistertorture-online.jimdo.com/music/ einige Songausschnitte hören. Laut Review bei Powermetal.de 8,5 von 10 möglichen Punkten. Und das für eine Eigenpressung!!! Also schaut und hört rein und gebt mir wenn möglich ein Feedback. Grüße Mister Torture


Ernst schrieb am 28.01.2011 16:43 aus Deutschland Email :
Hallo Edenbridge, ich bin begeistert von Eurer Musik und warte auf eine Live-DVD. Wann erscheint Sie? Ich liebe Euch


roonaldo schrieb am 23.01.2011 16:33 :
i know you since 2005 but never wrote to you all that i lvoe your music so much progressive but easy to listen just want to say that you should come to thailand ok?


Karl Dillon schrieb am 14.01.2011 02:35 aus Canada Email :
"Hello" Edenbridge! ...From New Brunswick Canada. I only recently discovered your music, and I absolutely love it all! Such an amazing way you change up the music all through each song. Also deeply moving and intelligent lyrics. Sabine, you said you want to bring heaven down to earth with music....Well you have done just that with your beautiful voice. Keep on Composing,writing, and singing...I want more! All the best to "Edenbridge" in 2011! cool


Matt schrieb am 05.01.2011 01:53 :
Hi, Shine was an amazing album. Please visit the UK some time. Oh and go to the Corporation in Sheffield. I'd love to see you there so much wink


Rushabh schrieb am 17.12.2010 23:18 aus India Email Website :
\m/ One of the best symphonic metal bands...keep on Rocking guys \m/


Jase Sollis schrieb am 08.10.2010 14:07 aus The past...or is it further back? Email :
Thanks for the music - it really helps me get through the day. I especially think Undiscovered Land, Evermore and Shine are real classics


Mike schrieb am 06.10.2010 14:06 Email :
Hy Sabine! Wünsche dir und deinen Jungs für die bevorstehenden Konzerte alles erdenklich Gute! AL Mike


Hong Lan schrieb am 29.09.2010 12:52 aus Viet Nam Email Website :
Hi Sabine and Lanvall, I've got the news you're gonna play in Vietnam, my country, and I'm so excited to know that. Hope to see you there sooooooooooooon. Love :x razz crying


Bearache schrieb am 15.09.2010 11:34 aus Russa :
Greetings from Russia! Good album, beautiful voice. Thanks for music, we love you!


Saddam schrieb am 05.09.2010 15:58 aus Indonesia Email Website :
Hi there! i love your music, i just know you two months ago. But, i am your fans right now. -I'll come to your live and we'll wait you! razz
