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lana schrieb am 16.03.2004 20:14 :
hey, just want to say that your music is fantastic but I think that your website is a little bit...hm...boring, and white...


Midnight schrieb am 14.03.2004 21:27 Email :
Thank You for keeping the melody in metal!!!I hope You could come to our beautiful Finland some day!


Mary schrieb am 13.03.2004 07:00 Email Website :
Incredible!!! I only just found this group and I am very intersted. I will be ordering a cd. Keep on making it real. Metal Forever!!! I am from Mississippi (USA).


Wainer schrieb am 13.03.2004 05:45 Email Website :
I'm a fan brazilian.The songs of EDENBRIDGE is the most beatiful i listen with vocals femails.I would know when EDENBRIDGE come to Brazil??


PrincessOfHills schrieb am 12.03.2004 22:48 Email :
Hey what a great music you all play...i've discovered you a few days ago and you're already one of my favorites bands!I hope you'll continue this way...making great music to make us dream...i wish you all the best.PrincessOfHills from France


Lee schrieb am 12.03.2004 21:02 Email Website :
hey! Im cummin to derby to see u play at bloodstock 2004. cant wait ! Hope you put on a good show for ther 2 irish guys that will be there thanks PEACE !!!


Dorrian schrieb am 11.03.2004 08:31 Email :
Hi, there.
I'm the one of the big fans in Korea.
I can say that your music is so enchanted symphony I've ever heard.

Stay Metal... not Black Metal.


Silvia Grijo schrieb am 06.03.2004 22:34 Email :
Die neue Arbeit ist einfach ausgezeichnet.Ich sie folgen jemals besser.Gruessen aus Brasilien


Alex schrieb am 03.03.2004 17:32 Email Website :
Hi everybody!

The new PHILOSOPHER-EP "what dwells beyond" is now available on
the band's homepage!
PHILOSOPHER play H.P.Lovecraft-inspired atmospherical Death Metal
in the likes of Morbid Angel, Death, Opeth,...
Please visit www.philosopher-music.de and check the free MP3s, too!

Bands and Organisators:
Please feel free to inform people via our guestbook of your gigs,
festivals etc.

See you!



BesaidBahamut schrieb am 03.03.2004 13:15 Email :
Heyo ev'rybody. I just want to say, that I really love your style of sound. I started playing guitar 4 weeks ago. Is anybody able, to send me the Chords or Tab's of "A moment of time" and "Winter Winds"? Of course only, if it is legal. Thx again. Keep on rockin! I'm waiting for a new album ;-)


SF FAN schrieb am 01.03.2004 17:22 Email :
Hi everybody!Great site!If you enjoy good melodic Power Metal,don´t forget to check the awesome german/american band SILENT FORCE www.silentforce.de


hans schrieb am 29.02.2004 19:12 Email :
3 top cd's, Ich hofe noch lange musik von Edenbridge zu horen


routemaster schrieb am 22.02.2004 16:39 Email Website :
29. July - 01. August 2004

Styrian Bikeweek 2004
In: A-8081 Heiligen Kreuz am Waasen
Where: Freizeitarena "Lipizzaner Franzl",

The Top Bike Event in the Styria-Austria!

int. Live bands:
Stoakstrom, Austria
Vrane, Kroatien
Kiss, Hungaria
ZZ Top, Czech republic
Spejbl´s Helprs, ACDC-Recoverband from the Czech republic

Tours, Demo Rides, Gogo Tent, Stuntshows,......

Routemaster is waiting for all Biker and Bikes!

More info under the web site!

Free Entry!!!!!!!!


Carina schrieb am 20.02.2004 18:37 Email Website :

Online Musik Magazin für Rockmusik

u.a. auch Interviews von In Extremo und Sepultura, Downloads und viele News aus der Metalszene...



Kash schrieb am 19.02.2004 21:43 :
>>> Edenbridge in Russia <<<
:) COOL =)
We wait for you with impatience !!!!


ComrAde schrieb am 18.02.2004 15:24 Email Website :
>>> Edenbridge in Russia <<<
I am really surprised :)))


tony dilkes schrieb am 17.02.2004 18:02 Email :
nice to see you in derby england this year!its is not a melodic metal gigg,its far from it.i would say it is more a thrash metal festival with a bit of culture thrown in(i.e last year it was nightwish and masterplan).unfortunately there a lot of substandard grunt bands!c u soon you will get a great welcome


Giurkan Ahmedov schrieb am 17.02.2004 12:56 Email :


Alexey schrieb am 16.02.2004 15:03 Website :
AAAAA,mf!!!Edenbridge in Russia!In Moscow!!!In ROXY!!!!!It's cool!!!The best club for the best band!!!!!


Bernhard S. schrieb am 12.02.2004 19:32 Website :

ich habe eine supercoole Nichtraucherseite gefunden: http://www.smokefreeliving.net/

Endlich hilft jemand den Nichtrauchern, etwas gegen die Luftverschmutzer zu unternehmen.
Ihr bekommt dort jede Menge Hilfe: Informationen über das Rauchen und die Schädlichkeit des Rauchens, Informationen über die Schädigung durch Passivrauchen (15000 Menschen sterben jährlich in Deutschland daran!), Beschwerdebriefe, Petitionen an den Deutschen Bundestag usw.

Also schaut mal rein! Oder noch besser: macht mit!


Bernhard S.
