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Karl Dillon schrieb am 31.03.2012 22:42 Email :
"Hello once again Edenbridge".. from Canada! veryhappy My condolences Lanvall, for your recent loss. Music, both creating and enjoying it is a great "healer" of sorrow and despair. Really glad to hear of the upcoming new album. Looking forward to it immensely. Stay healthy..KD


Tom Bouton schrieb am 13.02.2012 15:04 Email :
I simply wish to say - thank you for the music. It is beautiful stuff. All the best, Tom


Marcelo Lima schrieb am 03.02.2012 01:12 aus Brazil Email :
Dear My friend Lanvall. I am really very sorry for your father. I suppose nobody can explain your pain. Be strong my friend. Now, I understand the long time with no news at official website. I am looking forward new album which will be full of intensive feelings. Carry on my friend! Long Live to Edenbridge. We love you...


Sascha Jeromin schrieb am 24.01.2012 23:35 aus Deutschland Email :
Hallo Lanvall, ich habe gerade den neuen Edenbridge-Newsletter gelesen und von Deinem traurigen Verlust erfahren. Ich möchte Dir hiermit mein tiefstes Mitgefühl übermitteln. Auch ich habe vor einigen Jahren auf diese Weise eine nahe Verwandte verloren und kann Deine Gefühle nachvollziehen. Bleib stark!


Stephane schrieb am 24.01.2012 18:49 aus Brussels Email :
Dear Lanvall, I am really sorry for the loss of your father. Stay strong! I am also very happy to read you guys are back in business, looking forward to see you soon on tour ! Hopefully you will come to Belgium !! A big Belgian fan !!!


Tony P. schrieb am 24.01.2012 15:04 aus Edmonton, AB :
Lanvall, I'm very sorry to hear about your father. I know you will get through it and your music will help get the sorrow out. Stay strong, my friend! Tony


Gerda Hagen schrieb am 24.01.2012 11:59 aus BW/Ostalb-Deutschland Email :
da mir eure Musik sehr gut gefällt, warte ich natürlich auf das neue Album. Nach dem heutigen Newsletter gilt natürlich mein Mitgefühl Lanvall. Kopf hoch :) es geht immer irgendwie weiter. macht auf Jedenfall weiter wie bisher Eure Gerda smile


Fred schrieb am 22.01.2012 23:35 aus France Website :
Edenbridge (and many more !) is on the french webradio "Between Cyborg and Jester Radio" ! Listen, enjoy and support !


Ryan schrieb am 01.01.2012 05:27 :
Thank you so much for all the beautiful music!


Raquel alves schrieb am 31.12.2011 18:56 Website :
Hapy New Year ;-)


Raquel alves schrieb am 26.12.2011 20:47 Website :
Hi Edenbridge! Happy Merry Xmas. I love you and I hope for news about you, ok?


Uli schrieb am 26.12.2011 20:32 aus Germany Email :
Hello! What's going on at Edenbridge home? No news for a long time. sad Would be nice to get some infos about plans, activities at the moment. Thanks


Géssica Rocha schrieb am 19.12.2011 17:37 aus Brasil Email :
Hi, Edenbridge! I love your work and one of my biggest dreams is to see you live here, in Brasil! Any plans to come and play in São Paulo? Best wishes, Géssica


Frank Nolan schrieb am 03.12.2011 18:17 aus Matthews, N.C., U.S.A. Email Website :
You music is just beautiful! :-)


Raquel schrieb am 16.10.2011 02:25 Website :
: I would like to thank the many visitors that the site has received http://www.edenbridgebrasil.xpg.com.br/ from Brazil, Argentina, the United States to Portugal and Austria. Thanks everyone! Gostaria de agradecer as inúmeras visitas que o site http://www.edenbridgebrasil.xpg.com.br/ tem recebido, desde do Brasil, Argentina, Estados Unidos até Portugal e Áustria.


Kevin Daly schrieb am 25.09.2011 05:46 aus USA Email :
Your music is amazing. It always evokes emotions, feelings and memories within me. Sabine's vocals and the bands great sound and rhythm is never tiring. Keep up he great work and looking forward to many more albums.


Aussie schrieb am 02.09.2011 05:38 :
I don't know (and don't want to know) what is your position in charts wordwide or in specific country, but in my charts you guys are No 1 and it will take a while till someone can take your place. Hope one day you will visit Australia too.


Seiken schrieb am 01.09.2011 21:05 Email :
You are the best. Your music isn't simple nice or beautifull. It is alive. So alive, that your music isn't IT. Your music is SHE. Thanks a lot, guys, only you can hear she in the most deepness of creation. Only you can make she listened by us. Thanks a lot, Sabina. Only you can bring the heaven to the earth by she.


Norbert schrieb am 24.07.2011 14:26 aus Österreich :
Hey Leute! Würd mich riesig freun´ wenns wieder mal ein Lebenszeichen von euch gäbe wink Hammer-Mucke, macht weiter so, freu mich auf (hoffentlich) baldige Live shows!!! horns up!


Philipp schrieb am 15.07.2011 13:06 aus Schweiz Email :
Hey kommt mal wieder Live ich will Euch endlich mal sehen rolling Super Musik die Ihr da macht. Warum habe ich nur CD's anderer Bands laughing
